Independent Schools Trophy

On Wednesday 25th January two OBS basketball teams from Form 3, 4 and 5 participated in the inaugural Independent Schools Trophy (IST). The IST is a tournament that involves several Porto based independent schools and three different sports (basketball, football and tag rugby). The teams are mixed, and the tournament philosophy is all about participation, good sportsmanship and fun as much as competition. Events will take place over the course of this academic year, and we hope that many different children will be able to benefit from the experience.  

The two OBS teams that competed in the first basketball event did very well. OBS Red Team won all three games in the league section of the event progressing to the Gold Plate Final eventually coming second. The OBS Blue Team put up an impressive showing coming second in the Silver Plate Final. Everyone returned to school with a medal and sense of accomplishment. Well done to all involved. Look out for more IST events this year.

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